Welcome To
Excel Life Coaching
for Women!
Hello, I'm Angela!
Do you feel stuck? Do you need a plan of action that will lead to a change in direction? Are you looking for someone to help see your potential, limiting beliefs, and blindspots holding you back from a shift in life?
Our mission at Excel Life Coaching for Women is to empower women to move beyond their current situation and discover their unique design in this expansive world of opportunity. We believe God created humanity in His image with a specific purpose in mind. Therefore, life should be lived to the fullest. This fulfillment looks different for every person. We partner with women to help them move forward with passion and purpose.
Contact us at info@excellifecoachingforwomen.com or through our website to learn more about our services. Remember that there is hope in every aspect of life; perspective makes a difference.
Take Care!
"If You're Without A Vision, You're Without A Future."
~ Leonard Sweet

How about asking yourself, what have I accomplished today? Rather than asking, how many days are left this month/year? How about asking God what he would like for you to do today?

What makes you give up after only a few unsuccessful tries? The more you try, the more comfortable you'll be. Consider Einstein's story! If you give up even after the 10th time, you will have only wasted time. So, keep trying and one day you will look back and rejoice that you did not quit.

Is there a greater purpose in what you are doing? Or are you just living life one day at a time? Are you seeing your daily struggles? Or are you thinking beyond what is seen? Thinking bigger helps us to move forward toward greater passions, strengths, and impossibilities! So, think bigger no matter where you are in life!